Air conditioners offer comfort during hot weather. If the temperature is too hot, your family will be uncomfortable, and it may also cause various health problems. With that said, many homeowners are concerned about the energy consumption of their air conditioner and its effect on their power bill. Fortunately, newer units are energy-efficient, so you don’t have to worry too much about their energy consumption. However, there are still things that you can do to ensure that you save as much as you can from your electric bill while ensuring that your home remains comfortable.
Fix ductwork leaks
Central air conditioning systems deliver cooled air to various areas of your home through the ductworks. These ductworks could get damaged or worn out over time, causing them to leak. Also, warm water from outside could quickly get in through those damages like cracks. It will make the air conditioner work harder, thus consuming more energy. If you see signs of ductwork leaks or your energy bill gets higher than usual, get help from a professional, as leaky ductwork could probably be the culprit.
Ensure proper installation
Improper installation could also contribute to a high power bill. The parts may not be positioned properly, making the AC work extra and increasing energy consumption. So, let only an expert install your air conditioner at home. If you live in Southampton, a specialist in air conditioning in Southampton from Sub Cool FM can do the job efficiently. Besides proper installation, consider the location where to install the unit. Keep it away from direct sun exposure so it would not have a hard time cooling your place.
Replace air filters
The air filters catch dirt, dust, and other debris. When the filters become full, the air conditioner needs to work double-time to push the air and make it through the rooms. These air filters need to be replaced at least twice a year. If you live in an area that produces more dirt and dust, you may need to do it more often than biyearly. Moreover, when dirt gets too much, it could cause health concerns to the family, such as coughs and other respiratory problems.
Insulate your home
Warm air could easily get in the home through gaps and cracks, no matter how small they are. Check your home for these possible entries and fix them. Insulate the home by installing weather stripping on doors and windows. It will prevent warm air from coming in and the cool air from the air conditioner from escaping, which will prevent high energy usage.
Set it to a comfortable temperature
You may be tempted to set the air conditioner at a very low temperature. However, it’s one of the top reasons for high energy consumption. Instead, set it to a comfortable temperature. The ideal room temperature is 24 degrees.
Turn off at night or when not in use
It may be a no-brainer, but there are still owners who run their AC 24/7. Since it’s colder during the night, turn off the air conditioner and enjoy the cool night breeze. If going out of the house, especially for a long time, do the same to save on your electricity.
Besides the tips listed above, it’s also essential to keep your air conditioner properly maintained. Schedule regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently, which will save you energy costs.