When you decide to redo your home, you can often find yourself caught between several design choices. Some people prefer to mix things and have a little bit of everything, while others will gravitate towards a single style. Though there are many amazing aesthetics to choose from, most will stick to either a more traditional or contemporary theme. How do you decide which style is right for you? We took a closer look at some of the things that separate them/
We tend to associate traditional stylings with more natural colours. Though you can definitely add in brights if you wish, there is a focus on choosing colours that are often found in nature. All neutrals are a brilliant option to choose. You could create a very pleasant home using earthy tones with a touch of wine and deep blue here and there. Such a home is always likely to be welcoming to those who decide to add in such colours.
With modern and contemporary homes, we are seeing a definite lean towards more of a binary option. White has been very popular for a long time, and we have also seen the introductions of greys too. While some feel that this makes for a very monotone home, it could be one that perfectly speaks to you and your aesthetics.
As with colours, you will often find that some of the materials used in the construction of furniture to vary depending on whether you are opting for something more contemporary or more traditional. With traditional furniture, we tend to see more of a lean towards using natural materials like wood. From wooden bedframes to chairs to coffee tables, you can create a very warm and welcoming environment.
With contemporary furniture, there is a tendency to lean more towards inorganic materials like metal and glass. These can create a very stunning place to live when decorated properly. You can mix wood into this, but you will often find that they are painted black or white to fit in with the wider theme of the room. Though these rooms can sometimes feel a little cold, the right decoration will help you create a great space that you can use for both work and play.
Luckily, the same textures and soft furnishings can be found across both decorating styles so you should not have to switch between them here. Textures can also be a very personal choice, so make sure you find the ones that best appeal to you.
These can be placed all around your home. The right silk lamp shades could help to pull your living room together, while a thick fleece throw could be just the thing your bed needs on a chilly winter’s night. Whatever you do choose to use, make sure that it is ethically manufactured. There are some fantastic options for faux fur and leather on the market nowadays, and you can also find some great options for cotton, wool, and more. You don’t even have to buy new – head to your local charity shop and see what you can dig out there. If you are able to find a thick, old woollen blanket, you can bet that it will be better than anything you might be able to buy from a modern shop!
No matter whether you opt for traditional or contemporary, you are going to have to tackle the issue of storage at some point. We can never have too much storage, and indeed it can often seem like we in fact don’t have enough of the stuff. You need to make sure that you are thinking about what you actually need in terms of space, and ensuring that it is well-represented in the storage you then purchase.
It can be far too tempting to fall in love with something, be it contemporary or traditional, to then discover that it does not actually have the space that you need once you have purchased it. If you are buying vintage furniture for a more traditional home, check carefully to ensure that it has all the space that you do need inside. You should also check for extra drawers or small additions that could host a little extra something – many older pieces of furniture tend to have these.
If you are going down the modern route, you might want to look into something bespoke. There are many companies out there who can help you create the storage you have always dreamed of – regardless of your budget – and they could help you throw together something quite special. If you are searching for the perfect storage solution that fits with the way you best organise things, you need to look into what the bespoke route might be able to offer.
Some call them clutter, others call them treasures, but there is no denying that there are some items out there that people are going to struggle to part with for sentimental reasons. In both traditional and contemporary homes, you should have no trouble finding places for these to live.
You can have a minimalist or maximalist aesthetic under both designs, it really comes down to what you want. Most people associate minimalism with contemporary settings and clutter with more traditional homes. However, you should be able to design a home that can use either as you need them. You could have a very modern home that shows off all the knick-knacks you have collected over the years, just like how you could have a traditional country cottage where everything has its place.
Ultimately, your home should be the perfect reflection of you. Some will gravitate towards the contemporary look while others will want something more modern. Whatever you choose, it is likely to create an amazing home that you will be happy in for many years to come. Think carefully about what suits you more, and then pick between the aesthetics of tradition and modernity!
Image: Pixabay